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How to SSH from any phone to Linux system?

Setting Linux System

1. Install ssh server

Type the following command in the terminal.

sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client openssh-sftp-server -y

2. Enable the service of sshd

Check the status of the service and enable it and again check if the service has started or not.

service ssh status
  • If the service is not started, run this
service ssh start

To enable the service, so that it starts on every reboot

service ssh enable

3. Edit the sshd_config file

Using root privileges, edit the sshd_config

sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config

In the file, look for

# PermitRootLogin prohibit-password

After this line, add the following line to enable root login.

PermitRootLogin yes

Setup for linux system is done. ✅

Setting Android Phone

1. Installing Termius

2. Click on Add ➕

3. Click on New Host

4. Adding the details of the host (Linux System)

Alias: Nickname of your system Hostname or IP Address: IP of your system

Use ifconfig command on linux for getting IP address.

Port: 22 (default) Username: username Password: password

Now click ✅, And then connect to the system.

Congratulations! 🎉

You will be successfully logged in into Linux System using ssh